Il Camping Waikiki a Jesolo è la meta ideale per chi desidera una vacanza a contatto con la natura senza rinunciare al comfort.

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Liceo Artistico / Marco Polo

  /    /  Liceo Artistico / Marco Polo


Description: hanging installation, geometric elements that define different compositions full void with vertical development.
Meaning: to explore the suggestion of the reflections of light on the water (reference to the swimming pool and the sea) and of the reflections in the leaves of the pine forest.
The reflection of light in a natural context, as a concept of mutability, constant, a fundamental element in life and in art.

Green skin

Description: jute coverings for trunks, made with cut-out modules, which represent stylized leaves, development of empty-full concepts.
Meaning: to remember how important trees are in climatic balance, suggesting the concept of “skin” as something that protects and allows exchange at the same time.

Liceo Artistico / Marco Polo Venezia


The path of the Liceo Artistico is aimed at the study of aesthetic phenomena and artistic practice. It favors the acquisition of specific methods of artistic research and production and the mastery of the relative languages and techniques.

It provides the student with the necessary tools to understand the artistic heritage in its historical and cultural context and to fully grasp its presence and value in today’s society. It guides the student to deepen and develop the knowledge and skills and to develop the skills necessary to give expression to their creativity and design skills in the field of the arts.


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