Il Camping Waikiki a Jesolo è la meta ideale per chi desidera una vacanza a contatto con la natura senza rinunciare al comfort.

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Simona Favrin

  /    /  Simona Favrin

The tree of mist

The tree of mist was born from two magical sensations related to my childhood.

The mist and the fog that envelops things, blurring their contours and erasing the boundaries of places, and a gesture that perhaps everyone, at least once in our life, has done: blowing on the feathery and light sphere of the dandelion and watching its seeds fly in the air, perhaps in the hope that a wish would come true.

“Every breath is a second chance”

A simple yet powerful gesture that it brings us back in an instant to the feeling of lightheartedness and joy that characterizes childhood.

With a leap of scale, the Taraxacum officinale dandelion is transformed into a large technological steel tree, equipped with mist nozzles that spread atomized water at high pressure into the environment. Almost a living organism, imagined as the generator of the fog that, in the days of the middle seasons, envelops the wetlands of the pine forest in a soft blanket of wadding.

Simona Favrin / Architect, designer and landscape architect


Passionate and expert in artistic glass, with in-depth knowledge of the subject, methods and techniques of glass production, applied in glass design, in the care of exhibitions and in the design of promotional and exhibition spaces.

She deals with the design of internal and external spaces, with a predilection for the design of greenery and water and creating fountains and installations in which she experiences the combination of water-glass.

Particular attention is paid to the emotional impact that design has on people: the common thread of its creations, which range in the different fields of everyday life, is the use of art and design, intended as tools and occasions for expression of mankind and understanding of the time and place where we are destined to live.


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