Il Camping Waikiki a Jesolo è la meta ideale per chi desidera una vacanza a contatto con la natura senza rinunciare al comfort.

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Camping Village Waikiki Jesolo

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Clients? No, guests! All about us… #WAIKIKIVILLAGE

No, the term “customers” just does not give credit to the special relationship that is created every year with the people who choose the Waikiki Village for their holidays. Guests, this enhances the bond that is created, year after year, holiday after holiday.

Families of all kinds, small and large, groups of friends, couples: what do our guests think of Waikiki Village ? What memories do you have of their stays in Jesolo? Let’s find out on the pages of our official social accounts on Facebook and Instagram!

Our guests say about us…

We have collected some meaningful comments that our guests have left on our profiles to remember their holidays in our camping village with us.

What activity did you love most during your summer stay at Waikiki Village?

In mid-August on the beach with colors.

What was the first year you were on vacation at Waikiki Village?

If I’m not mistaken, the first time was back in 1984.

How many times have you been on vacation at the Waikiki Village in Jesolo?

– 4 times, but I would go back every year.

For 16 years.

What is the place in Waikiki Village that has remained in your heart the most?

– The pine forest, it’s wonderful.

How much do you miss the #WaikikiVillage from 0 to 10?

– 10.

– 100!

How many days did your stay at #WaikikiVillage last?

Three weeks and I would also have done the fourth.

What struck you most about Jesolo during your vacation at Waikiki Village?

Everything is perfect when we come there on vacation.

The last weekend… How much nostalgia do you already have for Waikiki Village?

– We hope we can visit you next year again!!!

– See you next summer, thanks again.

Will you still be at Waikiki Village in 2022?

– You have remained in our hearts, everything was beautiful: houses, picnics, top entertainment.