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Alessio B. Street Artist

  /    /  Alessio B. Street Artist

The mural by Alessio B.

Young people, their generation, have the opportunity to restore a new balance…” The world is a fine place and worth fighting for” – E. Hemingway

In the swimming pool area, an oasis of relaxation, wellness and play, the sinuous curve of the shower wall becomes a backdrop for “The World is Ours”, the mural by Alessio-B.

Thought of the artist on the work:

The work represents the urgency, a warning, to protect and safeguard our planet… which unfortunately we have been “destroying” in the last period.


Alessio B. / Street Artist


Born in Padua (IT) Alessio-B is a street artist who creates unique scenes, often with a message of peace and love.

It all started during his years of architecture study in Venice and his numerous trips to Europe, between Paris and London, where he gots to know the works of Blek Le Rat and Banksy. It doesn’t take long for them to influence his style and his willingness to take the road to the world of street art.

Alessio-B has collaborated and exhibited his work with numerous art galleries in Italy and in Europe and the rest of the world, also starting collaborations with influential big brands.


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